WebAR Game Boosts Budweiser Sales and Premier League Awareness

WebAR game boosts Budweiser sales, Premier League awareness post-Covid19


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Budweiser aimed to boost sales and highlight the return of crowds to Premier League games post-Covid19, all without requiring a mobile app. Our solution, developed in collaboration with ADM and Budweiser, was a WebAR (Web-based Augmented Reality) experience accessible through a mobile browser.

Users could activate the AR promotion by scanning a Budweiser product, initiating an interactive AR game. In the game, players attempted to score a virtual goal. Successful players could then adorn themselves with a digital crown and enter their details for a chance to win tickets to upcoming Premier League matches.

The results were significant. Firstly, the campaign increased brand awareness, as customers engaged directly with the Budweiser product. Secondly, the WebAR solution ensured a seamless user experience by eliminating the need for a separate app, making it accessible to a wider audience. This also contributed to an increase in Budweiser's share of voice on social media, as users shared their experiences online.

Moreover, the sustainability of the solution was a key factor. The WebAR experience was available throughout the league season, allowing Budweiser to maintain engagement with consumers over an extended period.

In summary, our WebAR solution for Budweiser successfully achieved its goals of driving sales and promoting the return of fans to Premier League games. It not only increased brand awareness but also provided a fun and engaging experience for consumers, all while being sustainable and easy to access.

Rrahul Sethi
June 19, 2024
5 min read