Gravity Jack's Augmented Reality MKX Experience

AR app showcases Ford MKX SUV with immersive virtual experiences


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Key takeaways

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Gravity Jack was commissioned by GTB, Ford Motor Company's agency, to create a mobile experience targeting consumers in Asia to showcase the new MKX luxury SUV in an innovative way. The solution developed was a mobile application featuring augmented reality (AR) capabilities. Users could activate the AR experience by scanning a custom MKX-themed AR marker, which would then project a life-sized virtual model of the SUV into their surroundings. This immersive feature allowed users to take photos with the virtual MKX as if it were physically present, encouraging social media sharing and creating buzz among friends and family.

In addition to the exterior AR experience, the app enabled users to explore the interior of the MKX through a customized high-definition 360º 3D photosphere. This interactive feature gave users a first-person perspective of sitting in the driver’s seat, allowing them to examine details such as the leather seats, sunroof, and driver controls. The app intuitively responded to the user's movements, enhancing the realism of the experience.

Beyond exploration, the app served as a marketing tool by enabling users to request test drives directly through the platform. This functionality streamlined the customer journey by integrating informational content with actionable steps, enhancing user engagement and potentially driving conversions.

Developed specifically for the Asian market, the app was localized in Mandarin and later translated back into English for release in the United States. This approach ensured that the app catered to regional preferences and maximized its reach across diverse consumer bases.

Overall, Gravity Jack's collaboration with GTB resulted in a dynamic mobile app that effectively showcased the MKX's features using cutting-edge AR and 3D technologies. By blending virtual reality with real-world applications, the app not only engaged consumers but also provided them with an immersive and informative experience that aligned with Ford's innovative brand image.

Rrahul Sethi
July 1, 2024
5 min read