3M’s Urban Mobility and Safety VR

3M’s VR game showcased urban mobility and safety solutions

Safety/ Security

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Key takeaways

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3M sought to create an innovative and engaging tool for use at trade shows to effectively showcase their product line focused on urban mobility and safety. To meet this challenge, 3M partnered with Wildbytes and Space150 to develop a groundbreaking virtual reality (VR) game designed to captivate and educate city planners and stakeholders about their safety solutions.

3M recognized the need for a distinctive and interactive experience that went beyond traditional trade show presentations. Their goal was to find a new way to demonstrate the impact of their products on urban mobility and safety. The existing methods for presenting product features were often too passive and did not fully engage or educate attendees on the practical applications of their solutions. 3M aimed to create a tool that was both entertaining and educational, allowing city planners to experience firsthand how their products could enhance urban environments.


In collaboration, Wildbytes and Space150 developed an immersive and interactive VR game that invited users to step into the shoes of a city planner tasked with improving bike commuter safety in a vibrant metropolitan area. The game was designed to provide an engaging, hands-on experience where users could interact with various 3M products and see their direct impact on urban safety scenarios.

Through this VR game, users could explore different urban environments, test out various safety measures, and observe the outcomes of implementing 3M’s products. The game offered a dynamic, experiential learning opportunity that showcased the effectiveness of 3M’s innovations in a realistic and interactive way.


The VR game created by Wildbytes and Space150 became a standout feature at trade shows, providing a memorable and effective method for 3M to present their products. The immersive experience allowed participants to gain a deeper understanding of how 3M’s solutions could be applied to improve bike safety and urban mobility. The collaboration resulted in a unique tool that not only demonstrated the practical benefits of 3M’s products but also highlighted their commitment to advancing urban safety and mobility through innovative technology.

Rrahul Sethi
July 12, 2024
5 min read