VR Communication Strategies for Sound Energy's Drilling Projects

Myriad Global Media supports Sound Energy's Moroccan drilling with innovative communications

Power Sector

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Sound Energy collaborated with Myriad Global Media to leverage our expertise in project communications within the Energy sector. Sound Energy was launching new onshore drilling initiatives in Morocco, specifically on the Tendrara plains. The primary goal was to inform a broader audience about their recent discoveries, the advanced technology employed in their successful drilling operations, and the future exploration opportunities for potential investors.

To effectively engage the audience, it was essential first to educate them about the technology and then capture their full attention to ensure they absorbed the information. This was achieved through the use of animations followed by an immersive Virtual Reality (VR) experience that transported viewers directly to the site and its environment.

Both of these solutions served to demonstrate to potential investors how Sound Energy utilizes innovative technology to advance their business prospects. Additionally, these tools informed all key stakeholders, including governments and local communities, about the infrastructure, technology, and overall scope of the project being undertaken. This comprehensive communication approach was crucial in securing full stakeholder buy-in and establishing a solid foundation for future project developments.

Rrahul Sethi
June 27, 2024
5 min read